All About Cleaning Solar Panels

Man worker in the firld by the solar panels

Environment and Solar Energy

Dust and Air pollution Vs Panel performance

Solar panels are effective energy harvesting machines when photons of light strike the solar photovoltaic wafers. Any obstruction in path can severely diminish the energy output of solar panels. Research has found that
  • Air pollution can decrease solar power output by upto 16%
  • Air pollutant can deposit on solar panel decreasing efficiency in range 5 to 20 %
  • Dust particles absorb and scatter sunlight, diminishing the amount of light reaching the solar cells
  • Uneven dust distribution causes hotspots that further alleviates performance
  • Dust accumulation can decrease solar panel efficiency by up to 58%
  • Monocrystalline panels experience a more pronounced energy drop, with reductions ranging from 3.3% to 8% depending on dust type


Air Pollution

Reduced Panel Performance

Bird Droppings


When to clean Solar Panels

Solar Panels are the first and most important element of solar electricity generation system. As indicated above any cause for decrease in panel energy effeciency must be immediately mitigated. Panel cleaning process must be undertaken
  • In case of bad weather conditions
  • To guage physical condition of system
  • If decrease in energy output is observed
  • In case of frequent Bird activity
  • To inspect damage caused by pests or rodents
  • Depending on type of installation Flat or inclined
  • As per established schedule

Establish Cleaning Schedule

Its best practice to establish a routine of cleaning your solar panels. An established schedule will prolong solar system life and performance.

Can I Self Clean My Solar system

Cleaning your solar panels is not equivalent to cleaning your home. Panels are an energy producing device that generate electricity and proper safety gear and precautions must be taken to clean the panel. Also panel cleaning and maintenance required specialized equipment and tools that re not readily available in household so let the professionals handle this task.

Empire Solar Cleaning Services

We at Empire Solar have dedicated professionals and state of the art tools and equipment at our disposal to make cleaning process thorough, productive and hassle free. Key aspects of our cleaning services are:

Safety Equipment and Practices

Solar is an important asset and we ensure that proper safety measures are in place to ensure safety of system as well as the professional working at premises.

Specialized Cleaning Kits

As per the site and installation requirements we have a diverse set of tools at our disposal to reach every inch of installed system.

Advance monitoring and inspection

We have professional present on site to inspect condition of solar panels through advanced monitoring and inspection equipment.

Let us Empower your Solar Dream

To get a hassle free solar generation experience contact our experts and let them do their magic.
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