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All About Maintenance

It is better to prepare than to repair

Cannons of Maintaining solar Panel

Solar generation system is an investment for future that aims to be a sustainable, reliable and lifelong companion. It is essential to undergo scheduled monitoring and maintenance of solar assets to
  • Ensure longevity/ greater panel life
  • Increase panel energy production
  • Track panel performance overtime
  • Increase panel efficiency
  • Prevent any failure
  • Detect causes for energy decrease
If this gets you pumped to take on maintenance head-on dive in deeper to know all about how, when and from where to do your maintenance.


Air Pollution

Reduced Panel Performance

Bird Droppings


Why Is Maintenance Required?

Percentage dip in panel efficiency by


Causes drop in efficiency up to 58 %

Air Pollution

Causes drop in efficiency up to 20 %

Bird Droppings

Causes drop in efficiency up to 43 %


Causes significant drop depending on level of obstruction.
Nothings depicts care like an effort on maintenance. The answer to is maintenance required is absolutely yes. Maintenance becomes mandatory because of
  • Effect of air pollution and pollutants on panels
  • Effect of dirt on panels
  • Effect of bird droppings on panels
  • Effect of panel deterioration overtime.
  • Effect of weather on installation.
  • Effect of weather on solar panels.
  • For monitoring panel performance and detection of any cause in performance dip.

When to do Maintenance

Just like taking your car to the mechanic for a service, rooftop solar power systems need regular maintenance by a professional

Scheduled Maintenance

Its best practice to establish a routine of maintaining your solar panels. An established schedule will prolong solar system life and performance.
This way, you’re ensuring that:

• The system is performing according to its design.
• No factors are hindering or undermining its performance.
• All components operate safely, without the risk of failure or causing broader site damage.

Decrease in energy output

Physical Damage to panels or site.

Broken or damaged inverter or safety equipment.

Alerts or alarms from software or hardware.

Red Flags to Consider Maintenance

Increased bird activity.

Wiring damage or loose connection.

Overgrown trees, dust or bird drooping on panels.

Bad battery health.

Why hire a professional for Maintenance?

Panels are an energy producing device that generate electricity and proper safety gear and precautions must be taken to maintain the panel. Also panel cleaning and maintenance required specialized equipment and tools that re not readily available in household so let the professionals handle this task.

Cost of Maintenance

Estimation of maintenance cost without understanding its underlying factors is very difficult. The cost of overall process depends on many factors like:
  • Level of damage to site, equipment or panels.
  • Replacement of parts.
  • Specialized site needs.
  • Local labor and transportation costs.

Dip in energy production

Fire damage

When to Think Solar Panel Replacement


Unable to repair

Solar System Maintenance at Empire Solar

We at Empire Solar have dedicated professionals and state of the art tools and equipment at our disposal to leave no stone unturned in inspection and maintenance of your solar system. Key aspects our of maintenance process are:

Physical Inspection

Trained professional equipped with proper knowledge and tools physically inspect and take readings throughout the whole premises including
  • Installation site.
  • Distribution and breaker box.
  • Each solar panel.
  • Battery storage if any.
  • Complete wiring and connection points.
  • Failure point if any.

Documentation and Reporting

As per our policy of transparency record and documentation of each physical issue or erroneous reading is provided either in picture form or written form. All issues in the premisis are highlighted which may include:
  • Loose connections.
  • Damaged wires.
  • Damaged panels.
  • Damaged inverter or safety equipment.
  • Bad configuration settings.
  • Dirt on panels.
  • Corrosion or rust damage
  • Damage from animal or rodent activity

Advance maintenance and reinspection.

All highlighted issues are resolved with specialized tools and techniques. Meter readings are retaken and results are verified. The maintenance is conceded only after complete reinspection. The process is concluded and following documents are generated:
  • Before and after of each faulty site.
  • Recommendation for better utilization.
  • Report on health status of panels and battery.
  • Cost breakdown.

Let us Empower your Solar Dream

To get a hassle free solar generation experience contact our experts and let them do their magic.
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